A Magickal Path Featured,Witchcraft My Path As A Witch

My Path As A Witch

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     ~ ღ ƸӜƷ ღ ~ My Path As A Witch ~ ღ ƸӜƷ ღ ~


For me being a witch is to better know oneself ,to give love and receive love …to seek out our own truths …. to work with the ebb and flow of the moons phases ~ And by looking deep inside ourselves, we acknowledge our light and our dark side ( just like the moon ) and by bringing them into an understanding ,to gain balance , in order to improve , study,learn and grow ….

To better know oneself we can help others and as witches we are healers , teachers as well as students , walking a sisterly and brotherly path of unity.

To me being a witch is to work with spirit and our ancestors …To know and respect the old ways ,for we are walkers of the other worlds and also have a deep understanding and connection to the elements, , nature and our seasons…. To mother earth, all animals, creatures and creation… as well as the planets and the whole cosmos……

Magick is all around us , , and as witches we know this, we respect this energy…. seen or unseen … we don’t just work this magick , we are magick … we are spirit, we are energy .

Some witches choose to build a personal relationship with the gods and goddess ~ greater spirit , universe and Deity to weave our intentions and spread our love and light.

I personally am a secular witch  and don’t worship deity …

We do not force our beliefs but we stand proud and strong ready to show the way for others wanting to understand, learn and grow…. Whiles learning ourselves all the time….. we respect our elders and those who’s walked the path before us and for their experience and devotion to knowledge.

For me being a witch is all this and more … I’m yet to discover , so much more to learn but appreciate the wonderful feeling of freedom and knowing Im where I am meant to be, right here , right now .

Guided by spirit , and the universe


~In perfect love and perfect trust , the light and darkness .I walk my path as a witch xxx

© ~Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ~ Amberain ~Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ~

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