A Magickal Path Following The Moon Moon Phases & Working With Them

Moon Phases & Working With Them

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The moon is seen as a female symbol, and was worshipped in ancient times as a powerful force. It is believed to be linked to the unconscious and our feminine side.
The sacredness of the moon has been connected with the basic cyclic rhythms of life. The changing phases of the moon were linked to the death and rebirth seen in crops and the seasons, and also to the female monthly cycle that controls human fertility.
The moon calendar is still important and many festivals exist around the lunar phases.




Knowing the phases of the moon and making the most of that moon energy is the perfect way to connect with your inner rhythms. Try and look up at the night sky whenever you get the chance and look at how beautiful the moon looks shining down upon our earth. The sun and the moon influence all of our energy cycles. The sun gives us a dynamic manifestation of energy with heat and light whilst the moon’s reflective qualities distribute this energy during the darkness hours, bringing receptivity and assimilation.




When is the Dark Moon? :

Also known as the “dead” Moon, this is the time when there is no solar reflection, leaving the lunar face in darkness. The dark lasts about three days before the new crescent appears.

Is this the same as the New Moon?:

For many, the new Moon begins at the moment of the Sun-Moon conjunction, but for others it remains the dark Moon until that crescent is in view. As the Moon wanes toward those final days of darkness, there’s often a turn inward. In those contemplative moments, the inner reality is presented through dreams and waking visions. It’s fertile ground for the new Moon intentions to be conjured.

How does the Dark Moon differ from the New Moon?:

The dark of the Moon is the most powerful time psychically. It seems to lure us toward the deepest self, the longings of the soul, and restful listening is a great way to receive these messages. It’s been compared to the dormant seed under the winter snow, or the cocoon holding the butterfly. You might feel tired, or crave quiet solitude. It’s important to make space for the unfolding of the spirit at this time. Like death itself, it’s preparation for the new beginning that begins with the crescent.



In days of old, the people worshipped the Moon as a goddess, and each of Her lunar phases corresponded to the three phases of a woman’s life:(new) maiden, (full) mother, and (dark) crone. The dark moon appears in the sky during the last three days of every lunar cycle, and during this time, the night is without moonlight, but the Dark Moon is there; it is the Dark Moon that presides over the sky until the new 28-day cycle begins, and a New Moon is ready to appear. Sometimes referred to as the “Dead Moon,” the Dark Moon doesn’t necessarily represent death. It is, however, a most powerful time. It seems to lure us toward the deepest self, the longings of our soul.

When the Dark Moon appears, it becomes easier for us to shed unnecessary emotional baggage and let go of those people and ideas that no longer serve us or add value to our life. It is a time to cleanse ourselves and create space so that what is new can enter. The dark of the Moon comes with a pull inward, and for many people, this is a time to rest, reflect, and replenish their energy. It is an excellent time for deep meditation and going within, understanding, and gaining knowledge of self. During this Moon cycle many have reported having powerful healing dreams, and it is at this time that most people feel driven to explore their intuitive abilities, retrieve past life memories, or delve more deeply into their psyche.

This is a time to perform spells for prophecy, cursing or chaos, but of course, if one curses another, they shall reap what they have sown. Black is the main color of Crone magic. Black is a color of which many are fearful for it signifies the absence of color….yet, it encompasses all of the colors. It dispels negative energy quickly and is very good for banishing spells. It is the color of Hecate, the Goddess of the Crossroads and Magic. She is a dark goddess who is associated with the night. As a goddess who retains attributes of the three aspects of the Triple Goddess, Hekate is often seen in triple form. She rules not only over death and the underworld, but over birth and regeneration, combining fertility with death as a power of the earth…a feared and revered figure.

One way to harness the energy of the Dark Moon is to perform a ritual. Begin by lighting a black candle and calling forth those different parts of your life that you feel you are ready to let go of. Through visualization, bind these parts together with light and imagine the bundle moving toward the candle. Watch as these old parts are devoured by the flames. Finally, let the candle burn out. Trust that what you’ve released has left you. You are now ready to welcome the new into your life.




* Dark Moon Magic *

The New (or Dark) Moon: Some people don’t deal with (or even mention) the period of the New/Dark Moon. This is the time when there is nothing of the Moon visible, at all and occurs between the end of the Waning Moon phase and the beginning of the Waxing. As with the Full Moon the Dark of the moon lasts for approximately three days and is when the power of the Moon is at its weakest. This is a time of rest and introspection where little to no magical workings are conducted.
From ten-and-a-half to fourteen days after the full moon. The dark moon is a time for ridding oneself of bad habits, Binding spells, for exploring our darkest recesses and understanding our angers and passions. Also bringing justice to bear.



New Moon

The new moon occurs when the sun and moon are in conjunction, occupying the same part of the sky from the viewpoint of earth. During this time the moon doesn’t reflect the light of the sun, and so cannot be seen (except during a solar eclipse). The moon’s un-illuminated side is facing the earth.

The new moon phase is the time of new beginnings – like the Maiden form of the Goddess and the season of Spring. The appearance of the new crescent moon was celebrated as a return of the moon from the dead.

This is a time of growing energy, newness, rejuvenation, growth, renewal and hope. It is a good point to make changes in your life, such as ending bad habits or relationships.



* New Moon Magic *

The New Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to three-and-a-half days after. The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting.
The new moon occurs when the sun and moon are in conjunction, occupying the same part of the sky from the viewpoint of earth. During this time the moon doesn’t reflect the light of the sun, and so cannot be seen (except during a solar eclipse). The moon’s un-illuminated side is facing the earth.

The new moon phase is the time of new beginnings – like the Maiden form of the Goddess and the season of Spring. The appearance of the new crescent moon was celebrated as a return of the moon from the dead.

This is a time of growing energy, newness, rejuvenation, growth, renewal and hope. It is a good point to make changes in your life, such as ending bad habits or relationships.

A soothing time of rest and planning for new beginnings; new growth; love, the beginning of or renewing of; bringing things in; regeneration; give thanks. This is a time of new beginnings and new undertakings. It can be a starting point for kicking that bad habit, or simply beginning a project. Put ideas in motion, become engaged, make long term relationship plans.



Time to set new goals and review old ones for both the long and short term. Relates to the planting of the seeds.

Good time to have an awareness of new is coming into your life and what their needs and expectations are of you. This is considered a lower energy time. A time for the completion of old tasks and activities and the preparation for new ones.

Everything is considered to be in a lull at this time, life energy, emotions and physiological activity. It is often thought not the best time to start new projects – but it may represent the end of a cycle with a new project or job coming up. So in essence the ending of something in preparation for the beginning of something new.


Wishing Spells

To help realize a wish, visualize yourself doing something you’ve always wanted to do. Then, light a small candle and chant:

“I wish a thing,
a thing to be.
I wish a thing,
a thing for me.”

While holding the candle, chant this verse nine times. Keep your visualization as vivid, active, and detailed as you can. Blow out the candle. Watch as your psychic energy goes out into the universe to make your wish happen.

☽O☾ Have A Magickal Day ☽O☾

✯✯✯ Much Love And Blessings ✯✯✯

ღ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ღ Amberain ღ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ღ

2 thoughts on “Moon Phases & Working With Them”

  1. Hi Jennifer,

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    Bright Blessings

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