Day: 24 January 2014

Using non-combustible IncenseUsing non-combustible Incense

☆✿☆✿☆ Using non-combustible Incense ☆✿☆✿☆ Using a self igniting charcoal block, place it in your censer, small cauldron or suitable holder, making sure the holder is heat resistant. Light the

Invocation to the God and GoddessInvocation to the God and Goddess

Invocation to the God and Goddess I call upon our Mother Goddess … Lady Of Moon … The Wise One I invite you to come join my circle  and sacred

Invocation for all four elementsInvocation for all four elements

Invocation for all four elements I call upon the Guardians of  the East … powers of Air May you breathe into me the spirit and pure joy of life I